Downhills Park
Open Air School
Bandstand, Downhills Park, West Green. N17
Medical dates:

Medical character:
1920s - 1939?

Open Air School
In the early 1920s the bandstand in Downhills Park became a venue for an open air school of delicate girls.  A similar school for boys opened in a shelter in the grounds of Orchard House in St Ann's Road.
The pupils were selected from neighbouring schools by the School Medical Officers.  

The girls, aged from 8 to 14 years, mainly suffered from subnormal nutrition, anaemia, bronchitis or bronchial catarrh.  One or two had debility, quiescent pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculosis of the cervical glands.

Classes were held during the spring and summer months - from May to October.  As well as the usual school curriculum, nature study and dramatic works were also included.  The children appreciated the beauty of their surroundings and were a happy little community.  The regime resulted in a marked improvement on their physical and mental condition.

By 1935 some 23 pupils were on the school roll.  After a period of open air education, an average weight gain of 5 lb (2.5 kg) per pupil was noted.

The School presumably closed in 1939 at the outbreak of WW2.

Present status (April 2016)

The bandstand is no more.  In the 1980s its site was planted with trees.

Downhills Park
Downhills Park from the west.

Downhills Park
The bandstand was located towards the northwest end of the original park area, opposite the line of Walpole Road, at the level of the centre of the formal graden to its east.
References (Accessed 1st January 2020)

Kirkhope DC 1925  Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health.  Tottenham Urban District Council, 30.

Kirkhope DC 1935  Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health.  Borough of Tottenham, 18, 31.
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